Goggle AdSense gone!

Do you believe that once it was here now it's gone? Can people really get re-instated and re-establish an account with them again? Well, we are trying to and Google Adsense is suppose to be the best advertising program out there so I really wouldn't want to loose them. But mean while we are looking into other means.

It has been so frustrating for the past few weeks and that is why I really have not posted anything new. So many things to do and so little time. As the days go by real fast and having not so much time to go on here...think of how shock I was to notice blanked out spaces on my website and things started to look funny. Well, then I realized that if some people keeps clicking the Google Ads like crazy then you can get banned and deleted by Google.

I know things will work out fine. Things have their way of working itself out if you just give it enough time and grace. With God's help I am able and willing to wait out the storm.

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Overcome With Cuteness

Overcome With Cuteness