Wow, I heard of American on a suing frenzy but sue your own family members? How far would one go to get a few bucks or get even? I have been abused and taken advantage of financially. I was tricked by people who were close to me. It seems though the only people that I can trust on this planet is my hubby, my daughters, my parents, my siblings, and my little niece. All others who try to keep in contact with us seem to either want something from us or use us.
There are some distant family members who are suing each other for petty things. Both parties have done their share of using each other and hurting each other. Now, they are upping the ante by taking each other to court. Party A is suing Party B for doing or not doing thus and so and Party B is countering. What would all this bring? Where will it escalate up to? How much love does us need to forgive and man/woman enough to step up to the plate and say I am sorry and move on?
All this will end up in a lot of time wasted including money. Everyone’s feelings been hurt and yes they all have done each other wrong. But no one is perfect. Sometimes we do things because we want to it feels good. Sometimes we do it because other’s influence but whatever the reason there should be a limit. Family just doesn’t and shouldn’t sue each other for silly little things or over financial issues. Money can be made again but hearts are broken forever and even when it’s mending it will never be the same. Forgive I would say and move on. Mind you I did not say forget because some things you will never forget but then a lot of things with time you will forget. Take heart and love those who love you and show them you love them. Life is short living it well…
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