What I noticed is that I don’t talk to or hang out with my friends and other family members as often as I did before. My world and environments gets so clutter with so many chores that I simply don’t have time for anything else. I would forget to make a simple phone call or return one and that is what hurts relationships or cause the connection to weaken. Life goes on and so does people around us. The world is always changing and even when we are not we are changing as well. Just like dreams, sometimes we wake up and not realized or remember that we had a dream. But in truth we did have a dream. Actually we have many dreams at night. If we were in REM stage we would remember our dreams more vividly than in any other stages of our dreams.
What I mean is that even when we don’t realize that we are hurting our connection or relationships with our friends and families we are. Things that weaken relationships are things like not returning phone calls or not calling. Examples are like not calling to wish someone a happy birthday, anniversary, or a joyful holiday. We hurt others when we don’t do anything, because sometimes non-actions are more hurtful than the action ones. I know when my in laws didn’t call my daughter to wish her a happy birthday or even to drop an email, I was hurt. That being that my daughter is their first and was their only grandchild. They only have two grandchildren and they are both from me. What I am saying is that we need to take advantage of holidays as well as events to reconnect our relationships. For birthdays we call to show and tell them we care and love them. For holidays such as Christmas and New Years we call them to show them we love and care for them as well as send them our wish.
I have family members who are overseas, out of state, and out of the city and I don’t have to opportunity to connect with them the way I would want to. So, on Christmas and New Years I take advantage of these holidays to call and catch up with them and reconnect and build a stronger bond with them. I learned through the years that things are not important but people are. We have to put value on our love ones and use more of our time and effort in them rather than on chores and work. Things can be made and they come and go very fast but as for love ones and people once you made a good loving bond with them they will be forever close to you. But please don’t get me wrong just because you built the bond does not mean that the bond will always stay the same. Like I said earlier the world changes, people change and therefore our bonds change. Even if we don’t realize it we change daily. So, in order to have a strong relationship/connection we have to constantly change in a positive way. That means to call them, and show them that we love them and want them to be a part of our lives. Happy New Year to all! Now go connect and reconnect those broken or weaken relationships.
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