I had a conversation with one of my buddies today and it was about love or money. Which one would you choose if it came down to it. If you had to choose to find and be with the one you love would you be with him even though that means you will be living in a poor house with no family or friends? Let's say this guy lives in no man land where you would have to live if you choose to be with him...would you do it? You can contact any of your family or friends because it's to far away. Or would you choose someone who had lots of money and loves you?
It is not hard to choose if you choose from your heart. But should we make decision based only within our hearts? Or should we consult our brain as well? What would our brain tell us and why would it be different? I would like to believe that it is easy to answer but it is not. What I mean is that my final answer would to choose the one that loves me who has no money and would be away from my comfort zone. To be away from all that I know and love...but it would be a very hard decision to make. It would matter about the money part but the moving away from all that I know and love is the hardest part. I hate moving and especially moving to somewhere new is very stressful. For me, personally I see my folks and family at least four times a week so it would be extreemly hard for me to not be able to see them. The hardest decision of my life. Thank goodness I don't have to do that.
For now I am content living in my home with my loving family close to my folks and siblings. I love being in my comfort zone and being able to reach out and touch someone hehe. I love the fact that my friends are here in town and that we can call each other when we need to talk. We as human beings are social beings we need each other in order to live a happy and fulfill life, if you ask me that is. My two cent is that if to choose I would choose to be with the one I love.
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