My mommy (grandma)came over and was holding on to Bree Bree. My mother and I were having a conversation about something (I forgot what). Bree covers my mother's mouth(with her left hand) while raising her right hand saying stop to me. My little diva princess, oh no. But it was so cute. Then with both little soft tiny hands she guides my mothers face to her lips and she kisses her multiple times. She wanted us to stop talking and give her all of our attention. She does not like being in the lime light. She wants center attention.
Pbj is the same way though, when she was little and even to today she is still an attention grabber. She wants center stage too. My gosh, is my little bundle of joy following the foot steps of her big sis. They are both cute but at times you wish they belong to your sister or best friends. Because if they were not yours you can play with them but once changing diaper time or temper tandrum time, you can give them back. But, I love them both wouldn't change them for the world.
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