I find that this is one way I can keep my head straight through my roller coaster life. May I add that my left hand still hurts like hell. It has been two months now that it has been hurting. How I hurt it, I don't know. I woke up one day and it was hurting like hell. I hate doctors, so I didn't go see mine. Not that I hate my doctor, she is a great gal. Just I don't like going there or any medical office for that matter. Now if my husband were a doctor, that's another matter altogether!
The way I see it is this, if I can take the pain then it is not that bad. By the grace of God, I only get sick once a year. Usually it is either a cold or a flu that lasts about a week with or without meds. Even for my kids too, when they have a cold or flu I try not to give them any medicine. I usually let it ride out about two to three days. If it doesn't go away by then I will give them meds. I use an eyedropper to loosen their mucus and the help them breath through using a humidifier. I also plug in this great little thingy that air out an eucalyptus/mint scent that help them breath too. I hate giving Pbj medicine, she used to give me a lot of grief about it. I had a heart to heart talk with her and now she is great at taking medicine. Yes, I had a heart to heart talk with a five year old. She is very mature for her age, she understands a lot. I remember one time at Toys r us, some ladies (with no kids at hand)made some nasty comments behind my back after eavsdropping on my heart to heart chat with my daughter. My Pbj really wanted the princess kitchen that they had but it was out of stock, she then told me that it was okay for me to buy her this other kitchen (priced at about $200 bucks) for now and then when the princess kitchen is in stock to get her that one too. I was like what two how spoil can you get, so I sat her down and told her that she can't have it. I said honey, mommy and daddy are not rich like Bill Gates, I can't get you everything that you want. At times we can get you some of the things you want, then again at times we can't get you anything you want. But, if you want the princess kitchen you have to be patient and wait. I asked her if she will be willing to wait and not create a scene there by screaming and crying (which she already started to do). I said crying would not solve the problem, it only creates more problems. She wiped her tears, then she hugged me and said mommy it's okay. Pbj said, I will wait and if you don't or can't get me the kitchen I am okay with that. Pbj said that she loves me and that it is up to me what I want to buy her. She then kissed me on my lips and said mommy I understand. t touched my heart, those snobby naive ladies didn't stick around to hear my sweet little daughter's heart felt speech. They only heard my part and walk by us saying things like my gosh she is crazy telling a child that. These snobs said "like a young child would know what she is saying, all that kid really wants is the toy and that is all she understands." Excuse you, I wanted to say to them, but my daughter had the floor right then. I calm myself down, which was great because I got to hear what she had to say to me. It was well worth not interrupting her for those worthless hags any day. My five year old had more class and maturity than those two old bean bags put together. Sometimes you want to tell these total strangers to keep their yaps close before flies fly into their filthy mouths. But, again like my earlier blogs, I should forgive and give a little grace and move on.
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