This year it will be Bree Bree's first Halloween. Ahh, it brings back memories of Pbj's first trick-or-treat experience. That one started off a week before the actual day. We (hubby, sisters, and me) went searching for the so-called "perfect" costume. My sisters both bought me three cute costumes--a lady bug, giraffe, princess. My husband and I found a bee costume. I couldn't decide which one was cuter so I did what most mothers would do. I purchased them all! I dressed her up in all the costumes and had my hubby (who loves to take pictures, it's one of his favorite hobbies) to snap some pictures for me. We ended up choosing the bee costume. Pbj had a blast watching other kids dressed up in their own costumes. Pbj's head was continously turning every-which-way-but-loose. My goodness, I was afraid her poor little head would fall off! I don't even do that much turning for my aerobic class lol. Then when we went to grab a bite to eat at Carl's Jr. (they should pay me because I am advertising for them lol) I went home and photoshopped the pictures we had taken. I put two pictures of Pbj in the bee costume on top of the Carl's Jr. sign. It looked so cute, as if she had a twin and both of them were sitting on top of the restaurant with their hands grabbing the star.
I hope Bree Bree would have just as much fun, too. What do you like to do with your kids on Halloween besides trick or treating? We love to dress up our kids and take lots of pictures, photo shop them and send them out like crazy, emailing to families and friends. Sometimes, I blow them up huge and give them to my mom and in-laws. In my family, we the adults get to eat most of the candies if not all of them. We also give them to friends and neighbors too. The first thing we do when we get home with the candies, is to separate them into three piles. One pile for us to keep and eat, another for give aways, and the last pile to toss into the trash. We get so much candies that we can actually open up a candy store. What is your routine after trick or treating? Do you give away those extra candies or do you eat them all? Gosh this is one of those holiday that adds a few more extra pounds to my waist line. Hmm next is Thanksgiving, oh man no time to lose those extra pounds!
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