Majestic Pure Bergamot Essential Oil

I like this bottle of Majestic Pure Bergamot Essential Oil. It's 100% pure and has no added harsh chemicals. The product comes in a generous 4 Oz bottle. It is easy to apply with the dropper and absorbed into my skin well. Bergamot essential oil is one of my favorite essential oils. It has a sweet and pleasant scent that I like. The oil itself is extracted from the rind or peel of the tropical citrus fruit. It's very gentle and non greasy.I used it as a relaxant and it soothes the stress and tension I had during the day. There are tons of benefits, such as using it as mosquito and insect repellant, relaxant, deodorant, inhalant or diy perfumes. Bergamot oil is a great antidepressant, antispasmodic and antiseptic. I can go on and on about this product, but one thing is for sure, this is a keeper and must have for my essential oil collection.

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Overcome With Cuteness

Overcome With Cuteness