God Bless us with these kids. We have a resposibility to teach and take care of them. What should we do when we have to choose between putting our kids in public school or home school them. There are many arguments on the pros and cons to home schooling kids. I am currently home schooling Pbj. It is rewarding at times but it takes a lot of patience and hard work. This is not a 9-5 job nor is it a job where you can call it quits. The scary and sad stories you hear about public school system has forced us to choose other means for our kids. The choice was not for us to make but forced upon us. The public schools are over crowded, filled with kids who knows to much about things they should not know at their age, a lot of teachers who are not qualify or don't seem to care for the students, worst there are also teachers who prey on your kids, there are also a lot of violence going on now in the school system, virus, germs and diseases are past from one kid to another (deadly ones too), and the list goes on.
The pros about having Pbj home schooled is that I get to teach her. No bad influences from other kids because I still get to choose who she can hang around. Since she is my only pupil she gets all my attention and we learn at her pace. I am more qualify and educated then some of those teachers that are out there. Frankly, I am shocked that some of these teachers have their teaching credentials but they can not teach at all. For example, I personally know of a teacher who is teaching third grade but she is terrible in math, science, spell, and grammar. She goes online to get all her daily teaching ideas and tools. She likes to torture her kids with mind games. I don't do that to kids. There are bullies (students and faculties)at school who torture or prey on our kids. There (public school)I can not protect her, here at home I am well equip with hubby's guns and such. Although I hate guns myself, if I have to defend my family because someone wants to hurt them I will. I will do whatever it takes to secure my family.
Another good thing about home schooling is that I don't have to get up early to drop her off at school(I think I would cry myself to death if I had to leave Pbj). We took Pbj to the Ballet class and she wouldn't let go of my hand and she scream and cried like crazy. We also took her to Gymnastic class too, my hubby and I took her in. We stood close to Pbj. We pinky sweared to Pbj that we would not leave her by herself. Pbj would not have stayed in there without creating a scene. Pbj then asked me to go in with her to do the routines instructed. After finishing all the routines once, Pbj looks at the instructor and said I am done. Now, can I please leave with mommy and daddy. I told her no, and said she had to do it again. I told Pbj that the instructor would teach her some more fun things. While she was playing with the other kids, I started making a run for it. Pbj started crying for me but I kept going (I started crying myself). Then knowing that I was not coming back Pbj called out for her daddy, and her daddy made a run for her (he he). We know we spoil her and we are trying are darn best to stop. But it's hard we love her very much, Pbj knows that too. Pbj does return our affection, twice fold. She shows and tells us she loves us.
I was told that kids learn more effectively at home because they are able to learn practical life experiences (like math, shopping with me at the grocery stores and such). When I go out with Pbj I let her pay for the stuff. She knows how to use my credit card,check and cold hard cash. Pbj knows that she has to save her money in order to buy something she wants. She knows that in life all things are earned. She has to work for what she wants. Pbj knows that when she wants a toy (her Disney princess kitchen) she would have to earn it. For example, she would say it will cost me $100 dollars so therefore I need to put away 100 in $1 bills for that.
I believe that she learns more at home then she would be at a public school system. The only draw back from not attending school is that she will not have kids her age to hang around with. Others have argued that kids like Pbj would be more anti-social, but I don't believe that. I seen a lot of people who gone through the system and still they are anti-social. Then there are others I know of personally, that gone through home schooling till they went off to college and they are very socialable.
It all boils down to what you want and what you believe. I am traditional mother with traditional values. I am their mother therefore I will look for their best interest, where as others out there (school system) is looking out for number. The school values your kid as a number to add to their bid for the government money for the school. More kids more money from the government (which comes from us tax payers). Back then, they paid less and had a better education with brighter kids than we do today. Our kids education is far less superior than the ones before. We pay more for less. As for our founding fathers (Washington,Lincoln, etc) they too were home schooled. Who can forget about Albert Einstein, he was not good at school but he was not a dumb kid as well all know. He too was home schooled by his mother. If you ask me if all public schools are bad, I would say no. But I will do a lot of research before I place my own child in somebody else's hands.
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