Done that been there, now I am here. In the past, it seem like I kissed a million slimy frogs but all I got in return were nasty, smelly toads. That shiny, glamorous prince or knight in shining armor was nowhere in sight. But, with patience and perseverance, I found my very own Prince Charming. I remember having had a little girl-talk with my friend Candy, she is such a sweet and naive girl going through some difficult times. Candy is not bad looking at all. She has high standards for choosing a guy to be her man. She dated dozens of guys, but found that they were nothing but losers. "Where," she asked, "did these lizards crawl out of? Which gutter so that I can make sure not to visit the same path again? She is getting very depressed and yes, lonely too. I know how that feels. I am sure most of you gone through some dry times yourself. Right now all she wants to do is just grab a guy, any guy will do. I guess it must be that ole biological clock ticking that is driving her.
Would you grab just any guy so that you can say you have one? That's not love, that's desperation out of loneliness. Would you marry someone just because you want to feel like you're with someone and not for love? That's desiring companionship for the sake of having someone, but it's not what you'd call love. Why not, some of you might say--others have done so in the past. In Oriental cultures, arranged marriages were a common practice in times past. Most of them had good success rates, even better than what is happening now with regard to marriage and relationships in Western societies. Why not marry solely for mere companionship? What's love got to do with it?
Then again, why would you want anything less for yourself? I know I am worthy of someone's true love. Someone to love me just for me, and not only for the benefits of companionship, or worse--someone pretending to like me just so that person can get a little "something-something", if you know what I mean. I want and deserve love. Don't get me wrong, if it suits you to marry for whatever reason you want to marry then go for it. I myself just wouldn't think I would be happy living my life with someone for the sake of just having someone and not for love. However, I know happy couples who got married because they had been "arranged", those who married for the sake of convenience, that crocodile's biological clock, etc. Life is short, they begin to think. Bullsh*t! Life is the longest thing anyone will ever do. Time flies when you're in the midst of pleasure and enjoyment, but can seem to drag on forever when you're not. When you are lonely, you feel depressed, and when you're depressed your whole world crashes. Candy is a sweet lovely girl in her late thirties, 5 feet 6 inches and a body to kill for. No one would believe she does not have a boyfriend (because she does not have only one but a million jk!). She is very picky. This is the reason why she is still alone. She has the right to be picky though. Her parents are doctors and she herself is a surgeon.
I believe that if she really becomes serious about finding a life mate, give a little more grace to those who are seeking to court her, I do believe she will find that "right" guy. She should make a list of what she needs in a guy, instead of always going out with what she wants. There is no one perfect out there. I told her to go out and have fun with the guy even if he is only 5'10", or even if he is a little ugly. Who knows, prince charming might just be the next phone call away.
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