Beauty (As Deep As Your Skin)

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Today my family and I did something that we all need to do more of. We got up early and went for a walk around the neighborhood (did some exercise). I just walked in my tennis shoes while my husband pushed our two little daughters around in a difficult-to-push double-stroller. I also cooked something light for lunch and dinner. Lately, I've been trying to cook more fish instead of red meat or any kind of meat for that matter. No more of that fast food junk (trying our best but sometimes we can't help ourselves). We have determined to be foremost healthy, believing that everything then will fall into place. It would certainly be nice to a diet of just bird seeds and rabbit food. What is worse is that when I go out with my sisters, people would say that I must be their mother. My two beautiful sisters are in their early twenties and I am only in my thirties. It hurts me hear mere strangers say that. It just feels as though they are out to get me (Satan is that you?!!). I mean did I do something to someone during my past life so that it is now pay back time?! Just kidding I don't believe in reincarnation or that Satan can get me. He can't. Nothing can hurt me unless God allows it.

Why is it that people who are overweight are automatically considered second class citizens? I pay my dues to Uncle Sam. I bleed when you cut me, I cry when you hurt me verbally or physically--just like those skinny people. To add insult to injury I am so tall (NOT!!), I am height-challenged as well as weight-challenged, hahaha. Don't get me wrong now, I am not as big as whale. But, I do need to lose some weight. I would like to shed those extra pounds the fast way instead of the hard way. I know of a neighbor who shelled out the big bucks for a full-body plastic surgery body treatment. My gosh it was like night and day! One day she was as big as Rosie O'Donnell, then in a few months time she became a living, breathing, walking, talking Barbie doll. NO kidding, she looked damn fine!! It just seems like her fairy godmother transmogrified her from Rosie into Barbie. She dyed her hair blonde, pumped up her breasts to resemble like Dolly Parton (well maybe not as big 36 is more like it), straightened her nose, widened her eyes and permanently attached full lashes, raised her cheek bones, etc etc. Man I could go on and on. Bottom line, she had a complete full-service job done on her body from head to toe! When she greeted me I was like huh? Oh, yeah did I mention who was holding her hand? He was a babe (like Ken), very handsome and built. I looked around me and I was like huh? Are you talking to me? She said yes you silly goose. Not recognizing her for the changes, I was like what who are you. Then, she said Jenny duh. Talking like a true Californian, I was like dude I don't think I know a Jenny like you. Like would you care to explain. Then, later on that night she called me. She told me that after about $100k or so she is a product of what she paid for with her divorce settlement. I was like huh? Donald Trump married you too? Just kidding.

But, there is a sad ending to this story. After about a year's time she lost most of it. She lost her skinny body, she lost the beautiful blonde hair (she can dye it again though), and what hurt her the most she lost that cute, oh-so-shallow Ken of hers. Therefore, through this she and I have learned that physical beauty is only skin deep. What matters is not what is on the outside, for what is essential is invisible to the eye. It is one's inner character that has any objective value. This statement, though a much often-heard cliche, is very true. Yet, in this materialistic world people often step on those who are considered the least of us. Then when the shoe is on the other foot, those same people will kiss the floor walked on by those people who possess characteristics that the world values in high regard.

A friend of mine once suggested to me why not smile all the time. She said, "You smile the world smiles with you, and when you cry you cry only alone." Jesting, I stated that if I should ever cry I will take prisoners with me, drawing the analogy that misery loves company. I was joking, but I know it is great if you can go through life wearing rose-colored glasses. I know, I had a few pair of those broken though. I had a pair broken off from work, when I learned that kissing butt was not my thing. It was difficult playing office politics, you don't know who your real friends are. I had another pair broken after this so-called fiance of mine tore my heart out and did the stomping dance on top of it. Dude, he did not just rip out my heart--he took along some souvenirs--about $10,000 to be exact. But, I trusted that God had better things in store for me. And indeed He did. I met the most wonderful man in the world. We are now happily married for six going on seven with two beautiful girls. The most important thing in this world is family. Love them and treasure them. They are there when you need them the most. They don't treat you like your second class citizens, and they love you regardless of your appearance, or how much you got in your pocket book. They love you for YOU.

That is why being healthy is important too. When you die, the ones that hurt the most are the ones that loved you the most. You don't just live for yourself but for them as well. Once you start eating healthy food and exercising, the pounds will shed off (I am working on this part-crossing my fingers).

Oh yeah, btw, Jenny's husband came back. I don't live in that neighborhood anymore. But, for a recent trip to visit family members that still live there, I saw her holding hands with her husband. They both waved hello to me with smiles from ear to ear.

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Overcome With Cuteness

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