EssNaturals Eczema & Psoriasis Ointment

My hand would occasionally get these eczema when the seasons change. I tried lotion and potions and it really didn't help that much. Then, I received this jar of Eczema & Psoriasis Ointment by EssNaturals and it is helping. I hope this will help me treat and prevent this problem from happening again. Using this ointment, the itching has stopped and it looks and feels as though it's healing. There has been no irritation or burn sensation in using this product. The product is non-greasy nor oily. It does have a scent, but not overbearing. The smell reminds me of Tiger Balm medicine I have. It actually looks and feels somewhat like Tiger Balm. I did receive this product for free, but my evaluation on the ointment is honest and unbiased.

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Overcome With Cuteness

Overcome With Cuteness